Books and chapters
Kay, R. H. & Hunter, W. J. (2022). Thriving Online: A Guide for Busy Educators. Pressbooks.
Above includes the following chapters
DiPasquale, J., & Hunter, W. J. (2022). Fostering productive social interactions using asynchronous activities.
Hunter, W. J., & Kay, R. H. Introduction to thriving online.
Hunter, W. J., & Kay, R. H. (2022). What’s Next?
Hunter, W. J. & Austin, R. (2021). Blended and Online Learning for Global Citizenship: New Technologies and Opportunities for Intercultural Education. London: Routledge
Above includes the following chapters
Hunter, W., Austin, R. & Turner R. Blended learning in an age of conflict
Hunter, W. & Austin, R. International Links and Global Citizenship
Besolí, A., Austin, R., & Hunter, W. Blended and online collaborative learning for citizenship in Catalonia, Spain
Austin, R. & Hunter, W. Promises fulfilled and challenges ahead
van Oostveen, R., Hunter, W., Barber, W., Gerbrandt, J. & Childs, E. (2021). Collaborative Learning in Co-created Digital Space: The Fully Online Learning Community Model. In H.K. Dhir (ed.) Barriers for Teaching 21st-Century Competencies and the Impact of Digitalization. (pp. 197-214) IGI Global.
Hunter, B. (2019). Introduction. In Ferris, S., (ed,) Active Learning Strategies for Higher Education: The Practical Handbook. The Practical Handbook The Centre for Higher Education Research, Policy, and Practice. Technical University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. pp 17-19. Available: https://arrow.dit.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=cherrpbook
Austin, R. & Hunter, W. J. (2013). Online Learning and Community Cohesion: Linking Schools. London: Routledge NOW IN PAPERBACK (Aug., 2018) see https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=hunter+austin+online+learning+community&ref=nb_sb_noss
Reviews of above:
Hunter, W. (2012). Everyone’s curriculum: A friendly critique of “Whose curriculum is it anyway?” In E. Tan & J. Hughes (eds). The Dynamic Curriculum: Shared Experiences of Ongoing Curricular Change in Higher Education. Dublin: Dublin Centre for Academic Development.
“I am still learning”
Recent Publications

Austin, R., Galway, G., & Hunter, W. (submitted for review). The end of denominational schooling in Newfoundland and Labrador: Lessons for Northern Ireland? Global Comparative Education.
Parmar, N., Stokes, J., & Hunter, W. (submitted for review). Exploring the Perceptions and Concerns of Canadian International Students (IS). Comparative and International Education.
Rotondi, N., Rudoler, D., Hunter, W. J., Sanusi, O., Collier, C., & Rotondi. M. (2023). Using a “Midterm Warning System” to Improve Student Performance and Engagement in an Introductory Statistics Course: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Accepted for publication in Statistics Education Research Journal.
Li, J., Mak, L., Hunter, B., & Cunningham, T. (2022). Structured instructional design for integrated language skill development: College students’ perspectives on collaborative reading-to-write activities using a cloud-based tool. Language Teaching Research.
Ramsden, L., & Hunter, B. (2022). A Case for Feedback Literacy: Commentary on Student Perceptions of an Online Ungraded Course. Journal of Educational Informatics, 3(1), 32-36.
McGregor, A. & Hunter, W. (2021). Internationalization in Ontario Colleges. , (1). Retrieved from https://journalofeducationalinformatics.ca/index.php/JEI/article/view/134
Hunter, W. (2018). Reflections on the Co-Creation of a Course Wiki: Guest editor for theme issue. Included an Editorial. 18(3), 2-11. Available:
Hunter, W. (2018). Reflections on the Co-Creation of a Course Wiki: Guest editor for theme issue. Included an Editorial. The Canadian Journal of Action Research. 18(3), 2-11. Available: http://journals.nipissingu.ca/index.php/cjar/article/view/347/162
DiPasquale, J., & Hunter, W. J. (2018). Critical Thinking in Asynchronous Online Discussions: A Systematic Review. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 44(2), n2. Available: https://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/27782/20423
Hunter, W. (2017). Evidence-based teaching in the 21st Century: The missing link. Canadian Journal of Education. 40(2). (Invited) http://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/3106
Austin, R., Hunter, B., & Hollywood, L. (2015). Supporting community cohesion through ICT: The e-partners programme in Northern Ireland. Computers in Human Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.02.039
Austin, R & Hunter, W. (2013). Historical, social and cultural influences on ICT development in education. European Journal of Education. 48(1), 178-192.
Austin, R & Hunter, W. (2012). Whatever you say, say nothing: Student perceptions of online learning and community in Northern Ireland. Irish Educational Studies. 31(4), 451-465. Available: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03323315.2012.673906
Hunter, W. (2011). Use Your Head: Neuroscience Research and Teaching. College Quarterly. 14(3). Available: http://www.senecac.on.ca/quarterly/2011-vol14-num03-summer/hunter.html
Bonus: Visit Jason Hunter fine art at https://www.jasonhunterfineart.com/